Fabric Covered Brims
Fabric Focus
Your clients will love the millinery styling that results from covering the foundation brim with your chosen fabric.
LESSON PLAN: Foundation preparation | Stitched brim | Edging creatively | Covering with textured fabric
Up Next in Fabric Focus
Using classic millinery techniques create pillboxes as a contemporary headpiece by adorning with intriguing trims and alluring veiling. Master how to cover your foundation using fabric perfectly.
LESSON PLAN: Pillbox Foundation | Wire and cover | Create a pattern from the block | Attach trims ...
Linings For All Occasions
Give all your hats and headpieces a professional finish with a choice of lining methods to suit the style chosen. Learn how to choose the correct fabric for liners and then secure the lining in each headwear piece.
LESSON PLAN: Gathered and Pleated linings | Ruffled linings | Flat tip lining |...
Flat Patterns
Diana Cavagnaro has mastered how to make a Boater Hat without using blocks. Her detailed instruction on how to make a flat pattern for both the flat tip crown and the brim will enable you to construct a sturdy buckram frame for both crown and brim. Using selected fabric to cover this hat gives so...