Fabric Focus
1h 17m
Using classic millinery techniques create pillboxes as a contemporary headpiece by adorning with intriguing trims and alluring veiling. Master how to cover your foundation using fabric perfectly.
LESSON PLAN: Pillbox Foundation | Wire and cover | Create a pattern from the block | Attach trims and lining
Up Next in Fabric Focus
Linings For All Occasions
Give all your hats and headpieces a professional finish with a choice of lining methods to suit the style chosen. Learn how to choose the correct fabric for liners and then secure the lining in each headwear piece.
LESSON PLAN: Gathered and Pleated linings | Ruffled linings | Flat tip lining |...
Flat Patterns
Diana Cavagnaro has mastered how to make a Boater Hat without using blocks. Her detailed instruction on how to make a flat pattern for both the flat tip crown and the brim will enable you to construct a sturdy buckram frame for both crown and brim. Using selected fabric to cover this hat gives so...
Traditional Fabric Flowers
Fabrics used range from satins to fine silk organza or polyester ribbon. The addition of wire helps to give flowers shaping. Learn to restore vintage flowers and add new life to boring commercial flowers. These will be a great addition to all your headwear.
Patterns: https://hat.academy/resources