Leather Millinery Course

Leather Millinery Course

Leather is a luxury product which adds class and quality to your millinery style and is suitable for year round fashion. In this course, led by experienced tutor Jane Stoddart, discover techniques and practical knowledge for blocking and sculpting leather, completed with leather trims.

Leather Millinery Course
  • Leather Blocking

    Learn all the practical methods to perfectly block leather on a shaped hat block. Leather finish is vital, discover how to perfect an impeccable result. Supplies & Patterns

    Lesson Chapters ☰
    Leather Fundamentals | Blocking Leather | Create a Strong Base | Perfect Assembly

  • Sculpturing Leather

    As you explore your own sculpturing style, you will learn how to sculpt a creative leather headpiece and add texture and height to your headwear. Supplies & Patterns

    Lesson Chapters ☰
    Sculpturing Essentials | Stiffening Leather | Base Production | Attachment Made Easy

  • Leather Trims

    In this lesson learn a variety of different trims to complement your elegant leather hats. The project includes making a leather rose and leaves, loops in leather, tailored feathers, and a beautiful butterfly. Supplies & Patterns

    Lesson Chapters ☰
    Leather Feather | Rose With Leaf | Beautiful But...

  • Leather Millinery Supplies & Patterns

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